Developing trust
Let your child follow their unique path in life.
Revel in their triumphs and support them when they fall.
Watch them with awe.
Afford them experiences that bring them joy and allow them to leave those that don’t.
Listen some more.
Above all else, trust.
Trust that you can do this.
Trust that your love, safety, and deep connection with your child is enough.
Trust in their development.
Trust that you know what to do and have the means to reach for help when needed.
Trust that the right people will come into your life to guide you and your child.
Development is not fragile.
One wrong turn or missed moment will not derail the developmental train.
Your love and connection will keep it going.
Trust me, you can let your child be.
And then, you can let yourself off the hook.
Your child’s development is not all up to you.